Friday, April 27, 2007


I got this from a roommate:
Take the prettiest woman you can think of, stick her in front of any mirror, and the words (or thoughts) out of her are, "Oh, I look ugly. I don't like my skin/hair/butt." Take the same mirror and stick an overweight bald man, and his first reaction is to point at his reflection with both hands saying, "Heeeeey, looking good!"

Anecdotal, yes, but is it still true? I've realized recently that it might be true of women without exception. You think that the exceptions are the really beautiful women that seem very confident in themselves and their bodies; the women that know that they're beautiful.

Well, the truth is that those women don't exist. The women you think are that way really just have learned that other people think they're beautiful. They don't actually believe it themselves.