Tuesday, July 12, 2005

We'll always be friends?

Recenlty I have heard alot about the potential for people to remain friends after a break up....LIES!!! We are only fooling ourselves when we subscribe to these childish dreams. If you stop to think about it, it is virtually impossible to remain friends no matter how "mutual" the break up is. You need proof? OK lets think about it....
Casey and Bethany are dating and for some reason Bethany breaks up with Casey. Now the only reason that they aren't dating is because Bethany doesn't want to. If she wanted to... They would still be dating. So they are just friends....NO! Casey wants to be more and the reason that he is only her friend is because he still has ambition for something to happen. If that weren't the case Casey would've broken up with Bethany, not the other way around.
Now having said that. It is true, 1 out of 1,000,000,000 couples (actual statisic) can remain friends post break-up, we call that the diamond in the rough. So given the odds of that happening why is everyone so conceded as to believe that they are the 1:1,000,000,000. It would be a much safer bet to assume that your "friendship" is destined to fail and just give up. I know that it is a hard thing to swallow but you can't argue with the numbers.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Recently I have been trying to "decode" the seemingly irrational thought process of women. I concluded that not only are women not rational but they also lack the sense of logic that we, as men, assume to be normal. They just can't grasp the simplest concept even when it is explained to them using examples from their own lives. For some reason the most difficult concept for women to grasp is the x-factor dispite hours and hours of conversation they just can't accept it.

The other day I was kind of tired of trying to explain all of this with plain logic and I stumbled across a web site of someone who had explained his lack of girlfriend with math. Now many of you know that I love math and that I often look toward math to explain real world experiences. Although I found it to be quite depressing I have to admit that the numbers all add up. So for those of you who don't have a girl friend: the odds aren't in your favor. mathmatical proof that you are a loser